Folkloristic Group “Pasian di Prato” was founded in 1966. The name comes from Pasian di Prato, a small town located near Udine, in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, in the North-East of Italy. It has very soon affirmed thank to the elegance and peculiarity of the shows. The repertory is composed of a wide range of music, dances and songs and permits people to revive the atmosphere and the sceneries of ancient Friuli. During its long activity, the group has been exhibiting in more than thousand shows thank to the collaboration of all its components (about forty people), exporting the best of  folkloristic heritage of Friuli in Italy, Europe and overseas (USA, Canada and Argentina). The group organises Folklorama, an international folkloristic Festival. It takes place every year during the second week of July. The orchestra is composed by fifteen people and they become in our program particularly involving. The costume we wear, is the result of a thorough search on popular tradition of the End of 19th century.

Chairman: Fausto Di Benedetto

Address: Via Muris, 40
33037 Pasian di Prato (UD)
Tel. +39 0432 663443 Mob. +39 340 7132994



You can download a presentation video of the Folk Group, mp4 file format. You can clik on the links to download it (we suggest to right-click on the link, and choos "save object as.."):

- Folk Group's Video (High Quality, about 160MB)

- Folk Group's Video (Low Quality, about 90MB)